Use of Chiropractic Treatment For Scoliosis

Chiropractic therapy is one of the ancient sciences that have been gaining rapid popularity and acceptance because of its holistic ways and non-invasive mode of therapy. Chiropractic therapy is as effective as any other invasive mode of therapy with the difference that the cost of therapy is lower as compared to other interventional therapies, it is a healthier and hazard-free mode of therapy and there is more patient compliance and improvement of overall health.

Chiropractic therapy is used for a number of inflammatory and degenerative as well as organic issues all over the world. Currently it is employed as the primary mode of therapy in patients of degenerative scoliosis as the most successful and hazard-free mode of therapy.

The human vertebra or spinal cord is curved at angles to provide maximal support, balance and strength to the vertebral column and also to ensure minimal movement of the spine during weight bearing and locomotion functions of the body. However, in certain people the normal spinal curvatures extend beyond the normal limits and lead to several issues like backache that may be moderate to severe. Backache is normally the first and most significant symptom that brings the patient to medical attention. In long standing cases, other issues also develop like limitation of physical range of motion, nerve entrapment leading to pain, disability and loss of function etc. There can be cosmetic deformity that is marked by prominence of rib cage, deformed hip region and appearance of a back hump and other cosmetic irregularities.

Degenerative scoliosis is fairly common in post-menopausal women due to loss of protective influence of estrogen on bones that affects the bone mineral density and mineralization, age related wear and tear changes in the spine that sets the degenerative process and ongoing bone damage due to osteoporosis, osteopenia and other defects that do not provide protection against degenerative processes leading to scoliosis.

In elderly women and especially those with degenerative scoliosis, the most preferred mode of therapy includes non-invasive methods because the healing and recovery is generally impaired in elderly individuals that make surgery fairly disabling. Moreover, surgery does not improve symptoms in most patients and the majority of the women develop scoliosis within 5 years from the surgery. Chiropractics, physiotherapy and diet modifications are currently the main stream treatments employed today to treat the cases of degenerative scoliosis.

Chiropractic treatment involves the use of special instruments or manual pressure by trained specialists to manipulate the spinal joints so that the muscles and ligaments align in a better fashion. When spinal joints, ligaments and muscles are well-aligned, the risk of inflammatory reactions greatly decreases and in the absence of inflammation and injury to vital tissues, your spinal joints heal at enhanced speed.

Unlike adolescent scoliosis, most cases of degenerative scoliosis are non-progressive or progress very slowly giving ample time for other therapeutic interventions to produce results. Mark Morningstar DC * carried out a study on 24 patients with significant scoliosis (inclusion criteria was Cobb angle of 44 ± 6) and symptoms like backache, limitation of movement and other issues. When these patients were enrolled in chiropractic therapy program for a period of 6 months, almost all showed symptomatic relief in the complaints of backache and range of motion along with improvement in the Cobb angle. When these patients were traced over a period of two years, radiologic and self-rated improvement was reported indicating the effectiveness of chiropractic therapy in the treatment of scoliosis.

Diet modification, exercise and chiropractic therapy are now the mainstream therapies employed for the treatment of degenerative scoliosis in elderly patients and for improving the post-surgery recovery in adolescent scoliosis.


*Morningstar, M. W. (2011). Outcomes for adult scoliosis patients receiving chiropractic rehabilitation: a 24-month retrospective analysis. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine, 10(3), 179-184.

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